I have just come back from an amazing two week trip visiting all the art centres that we work with in The Northern Territory and Western Australia. I have come home with some utterly stunning work. The trip itself was intense and amazing. We visited 7 art centres on our journey from Alice Springs to Darwin via The Tanami Track and drove well over 3000km. In every community we were shown amazing kindness and hospitality and the conversations that we had were as interesting and challenging as ever.
What struck me this year, more so than on previous trips, is how important the art centres are within the communities. The centres are not only about the practice of painting; they are cultural and social centres that are vital for the community to function. Importantly, they are often the only source of income.
Every year I look at literally thousands of paintings but only bring back a handful. This year was no exception and I am just thrilled to be able to share all the new work with you. I hope you agree that the standard is as high as ever.